Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Blogging Resolutions

Happy birthday Free Technology for Schools! On the 15th of January last year I published my first every blog post entitled "Where Should Schools Spend their Money?". The idea for the blog came from a general frustration with how schools waste so much money on technology without considering the excellent free solutions available. Creating Free Technology for Schools has helped me widen my professional network in ways I didn't know were possible and I have had some great help from the people I have connected with.
There have been many highlights over the last year especially in the initial stages as I watched it grow, reaching a peak of over 17000 pageviews in May. I hope this year to increase this fivefold although I have been a little quiet lately due to my wife having a baby.  Another year of blogging deserves some resolutions, it is January after all so this is what I would like to achieve this year.
  1. Grow the blog to 100000 pageviews every month. In the first 4 months last year, the traffic to the site at least doubled every month for the first 4 months. More traffic means more connections and more sharing of ideas.
  2. Find the time to post at least once a week. It's not about lack of time, it's about making time. If I can find time to Facebook, I can find time to blog.
  3. Connect, connect connect. The best thing about blogging is the connections you make. I hope this year to meet many more wonderful colleagues to share ideas with. I have had so much help this year it has been amazing
  4. Get more guest bloggers involved. This blog is designed to be collaborative so drop me a line if you want to get involved.
  5. Keep finding things to blog about. The great thing about having this kind of blog is that it encourages/forces me to continually develop and find new technologies that enhance learning.
If you are reading this, I hope you have found the blog useful over the last year and I hope you keep coming back. Don't forget to follow on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, RSS or email. 

1 comment :

  1. TY, much better ;-)
