Sunday, November 10, 2013


This is a guest post by David Kapuler, K-12 educator, tech integration specialist, blogger, consultant, etc. This was originally posted here

Buncee is a innovative new (beta) site for creating interactive presentations/lessons. This is a fantastically simple site to use to create not only beautiful looking slideshows but e-cards, posters, and more. I like to think of it as a combination of Glogster, Smore, and Biteslide. Best of all a user can embed a Buncee (presentation) into their site/blog. Finally, there are a ton of educational resources to browse through such as: lessons, projects, flyers, etc.

Here are some ways Buncee can be used in the classroom (from their site)...

*A great learning tool for Blended or Project Based Learning, as well as Flipping a Classroom.

create interactive lessons or projects that flip your classroom in a fun and easy way
introduce technology w/ Buncee projects and assignments that spark creativity and help support common core standards
have students of any age easily create multimedia projects
share engaging school event invites, or class news w/ students, parents, and the community.

I highly recommend checking out Buncee by clicking here!!!

Below is a brief demo....


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