Sunday, February 24, 2013

Would you like to guest blog?

In mid-January I started the blog to try and keep track of and share with the global teaching community all the amazing free products available for schools to use. I have had an amazing response so far and have really enjoyed making contact with teachers across the world who share my passion for free technology.
I would love to see this blog grow into a fantastic resource that teachers consult to help make better use of free technology but I have to admit that it is only growing as quickly as I can write, currently about 1 article per week. I would love to see other teachers using this to share their expertise. If you would like to be a one-off or regular contributor, send me an email at [email protected]. I will accept articles which are an exposé on a free product, or articles on innovative uses of technology either in the classroom or for professional development.

Hoping to hear from you and to start to build a collaborative network which is useful to all educators.



School System Occupational Therapist in Virginia says:

Feel free to use ideas from my occupational therapy blog--just search "Technology" for suitable posts. Please be sure to credit the source. Thanks, Karen

Jeanne Boudreau says:

I would like to blog about high schools transitioning to blended/hybrid algebra. My MA project is comparing three online algebra programs, and my area of study is General Science.Jeanne

Jonny says:

That would be great Jeanne. Email me what you want to post.


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